
The fee for an individual is based on a sliding scale and is due at the time of booking. To provide coaching services to more individuals of all economic means a limited number of sliding scale options are available. Pre-paid session sets of 3, 6 or 12 are discounted. Group sessions are also available. Fees are refundable up to 24 hours in advance of the session or the first session in a set. All major credit cards and Apple Pay are accepted.
Sliding Scale Fee Schedule
The sliding scale fee chart is below. You must apply and provide income information and an explanation of why you cannot pay the full fee. Although in most cases a discount is offered on an honor system, you may occasionally be asked to verify your income. Sliding scale rates are approved for a duration of 6 months at a time unless your income situation changes. After your rate expires, you will default back to the full fee unless you re-apply for sliding scale and are approved.
Find the row that has the number of people living in your household.
Starting on the left, go across that row. Find the first column with an amount that is more than what you make in a year.
Go down that column to find your fee.
For example: If you have 4 people living in your household and make $36,500 a year your fee for an individual session would be $96 in Tier 2.